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Why do so few people actually succeed

in this world?

 The reason is that few people ever discover how to become whole within themselves -  WEALTH is simply a state of wholeness!

WPPN- the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network -  is a wholeness creation system that sets up whoistic steps in your life immediately, many of which you won't necessarily understand, but which will start working for you immediately. The reason we do this is because by the time you discover most of the things you need to do to become whole most of your life will have passed away, and it will be too late to implement them.


Reverend  J'iam spent 30 years looking for, discovering and trying to understand these things before even starting on his journey. It​​​​​​​​​​ would have been far better to start at the age of twenty so that the systems could grow to maturity ( a minimum of 20 years).

And i do have people moan to me, "What 20 years!"

​My reply is always, "Twenty years will pass anyway and if you don't start today where will you be? In exactly the same position you are today but with 20 years less to achieve your goals!"







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